Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Cathedral Cafe

What a fun way to start our morning hike at the Gauley River in West Virginia.  I knew I needed breakfast, and my brother knows I love churches.  So, the Cathedral Cafe in Fayetteville was where we went.  This cute little stone church with beautiful stained glass windows offers wonderful, unique menu options.  I had scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and dill.  Pretty darn good.

This isn't my typical posting for churches but a lot of churches are getting repurposed these days and I loved the way they kept the beautiful windows, wood floors, stone and added their own flair.  Books, hand made gifts, and wonderful teas were also available.

Anybody else been to this cafe or have experiences with other churches who have undergone changes?  I'd love to hear about them.

Pat Deere

LINKS:  The Cathedral Cafe Facebook Page

Monday, October 1, 2012

St. Joseph Shrine, Irish Hills

It had been a long time since I had been to this little stone church in the Irish Hills of Michigan.  And, to my surprise, they were dedicating their new altar the day I decided to visit on August 5, 2012.  What a beautiful ceremony it was, especially if a dedication of that kind was something you have never experienced before.

St. Joseph Shrine has a lot of memories for me because it was a destination spot my Aunt Anne used to bring me to when I was very little.  We lived in Wayne at the time and she would drive us out to the Irish Hills.  We would see the dinosaurs, go to Stagecoach Stop, jump on the trampolines (that are no longer there), and stop by the Stations of the Cross behind this historical church.  The stations are still there and are in various stages of repair.  When you go to the church you will see a cemetery that leads to a set of stairs going down the hill behind the church, on the lake side.  If you have never been, it really is a nice way to spend the afternoon, be silent for a while, and take in the beauty - both man made and natural.

On this Sunday I had the opportunity to put my kayak in the water and paddle a bit before church, put my boat back in my truck, and drive down the road just a bit to park for church. If I wanted to, I could have paddled my boat right up to the church property, and get to the church from the shore where the Stations of the Cross are located.  I have done that in the past and it is a great little stop.

And, the best part about it, the people here make you feel welcome.  I encourage you to stop by if you are in the area and let me know what your experience was!

Pat Deere

LINKS:  Photos From St. Joseph Shrine Altar Dedication
              Photos of the outdoor Stations Of The Cross at the Shrine

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Post from a friend and a photo from another!

Excerpt from Jesus Calling from 1 Peter 5, Proverbs 16:9  and Psalm 37:5."You will not find My peace by engaging in excessive planning; attempting to control what will happen to you in the future.  That is a commonly practiced form of unbelief.  When your mind spins with multiple plans, Peace may sometimes seem to be within your grasp; yet it always eludes you.  Just when you think you have prepared for all possibilities, something unexpected pops up and throws things into confusion.  I did not design the human mind to figure out the future.  That is beyond your capability.  I crafted your mind for continual communication with Me.  Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and your fears.  Commit everything into My care.  Turn from the path of planning to the path of Peace."

It's been a while since I have posted but these to things came across my mind today and thought people out there would enjoy them on this beautiful, sunny, Michigan Sunday morning.

Thanks Dana for your photography - I have the link to Dana posted below.  I absolutely love her work! Too funny ... I just realized I created the stained glass in the windows on the bottom left of this photo.  When they were installed, the statue wasn't in front of them and the plants were not there either! Thanks Bev for the inspirational excerpt you posted.  It really hit me today.

Pat Deere  Sending out joy and blessings every day using this amazing tool (link below).

LINKS:  Dana Du Jour Photography
               Send Out Joy and Blessings Today